Elise Spofford

Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Yoga Instructor

Services and Rates

The Ninilchik Health Club's drop-in rate for regular yoga classes is $8/class. All classes are hybrid, available in-person or virtual via Zoom. Please inquire for specific details on individual classes & our weekly schedule at 907-567-3455 or send an email to hwc@ninilchiktribe-nsn.gov

Chair Yoga introduces yoga poses that are accessible from anywhere you are seated - for example, in your office or while traveling on an airplane. Chair Yoga emphasizes spinal mobility with core engagement, improving range of motion for shoulders and hips, standing and balance poses with the support of a stable base.

Hatha Yoga balances movement with stillness, encouraging soft breath into poses. Sitting, standing, kneeling, supine and prone postures are incorporated into sequencing to form a well-rounded practice.

Restorative Yoga enhances our ability to de-escalate, calm and ground. Bolsters, straps, blocks and blankets are utilized to support all poses with gentle attention to breath work, mindfulness and ease.

Yogassage utilizes props for postures and nurtures deep rest and rejuvenation. While in supported poses, therapeutic massage is given to students to enhance release and relaxation, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system which in turn soothes the body and the mind.

Twist Twist Untwist focuses on yoga poses that promote spinal range of motion with abdominal engagement with low back support. Each class is creatively sequenced to move your spine and limbs in all directions.



Chair Massage$45 / 30 minutes
Massage$85 / 60 minutes
Massage$115 / 90 minutes
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2024 Elise Spofford. All rights reserved.